Germania magna – A new look at an old map: Rectifying Ptolemy’s geographical data for ancient places between the Rhine and the Vistula.
DOI Abstract This paper deals with the geographical indications for Germania magna in the Geographike Hyphegisis (ca. AD 150) of Claudius Ptolemaeus. Previous attempts at the identification of Ptolemaic locations were neither comprehensive nor based on a qualified analysis of the ancient data. By means of the geodetic-statistical analytic method presented here, an appropriate study of the Ptolemaic coordinates in conjunction with the identification of almost all Ptolemaic landmarks in Germania magna could be performed for the first time. The results of the investigation are presented and examined for their archaeological significance; the archaeological-historical information contained in the Germania-map is extracted. Nüsse, Hans-Jörg & Marx, Christian & Lelgemann, Dieter. (2011). Germania magna – A new look at an old map: Rectifying Ptolemy’s geographical data for ancient places between the Rhine and the Vistula. Germania. 89. 115-155.