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On this page, you will find a collection of links to scientific publications that are relevant to this project or that can contribute to a deeper exemplary understanding of the processes and circumstances that may be related to the Reinterpretation of Germania Magna presented here. These publications span different research areas.

The collection includes:

  • Primary literature: Scientific publications presenting the results of new research.
  • Secondary literature: Scientific publications summarizing, analyzing, or interpreting primary literature.
  • Comparative literature: Publications that exemplify similar processes and circumstances in other contexts.
  • Additional resources: Links to websites, databases, and other resources that may be relevant to the reinterpretation

The following publications are intended to help answer specific questions exemplarily, which may be related to the necessary processes and events required for extensive landscape transformation. These include considerations of tectonic fracture events and rift systems, with corresponding effects on maritime landslide events and the formation of new sedimentation basins.

The Chiemgau Meteorite Impact Strewn Field and the Digital Terrain Model: “Earthquake” Liquefaction from Above and from Below

Fig. 1. Location map for the Chiemgau impact region. Published in 2019 Cosmic collision in prehistory The Chiemgau Impact : research in a Bavarian meteorite crater strewn field, M. RappenglückB. RappenglückK. Ernstson

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.11274.79041 Abstract The Chiemgau strewn field discovered and established in the early new millennium(Schryvers and Raeymaekers, 2004; Schüssler et al., 2005; Rösler et al. 2005, Rappenglück,M. et al., 2005, Hoffmann et al., 2005, 2006; Yang et al 2008), extensively investigated in thefollowing decade until today (Ernstson et al. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2020, 2023,2024, Hiltl et al. 2011, Isaenko et al. 2012, Rappenglück, B. et al. 2010, 2020 a, b, c, 2021,Rappenglück M.A, et al. 2013, 2014, Bauer et al. 2013, 2019, 2020, Shumilova et al. 2018,Ernstson and Poßekel 2017, 2020 a, b, 2024, Ernstson and Shumilova 2020, Poßekel andErnstson 2019, 2020), and dated to 900-600 BC in the Bronze Age/Iron Age (Rappenglück, B.et al. 2023) comprises far more than 100 mostly rimmed craters scattered in a region of about60 km length and ca. 30 km width in the very South-East of Germany. The crater diametersrange between … Read moreThe Chiemgau Meteorite Impact Strewn Field and the Digital Terrain Model: “Earthquake” Liquefaction from Above and from Below

Neues zur „Odergermanischen Gruppe“: Das innere Barbaricum an der unteren Oder im 5.–6. Jh. AD

Volkmann, Armin. (2013). Neues zur „Odergermanischen Gruppe“: Das innere Barbaricum an der unteren Oder im 5.–6. Jh. AD., https://doi.org/10.11588/heidok.00015918

DOI https://doi.org/10.11588/heidok.00015918 Abstract In the early Migration Period (Period D), the climate worsened dramatically and weather became very cool and dry in the course of only a few decades. Very poor conditions for land cultivation and animal husbandry resulted from this, which withdrew their livelihood in many places from the Germanic groups engaged in subsistence agriculture. On this limited scale, this could be buffered by more intensive trade, like the piled material found on the site and documented by geomorphology on the aforementioned trade and transit routes Settlements in micro regional favoured areas with a guaranteed supply of water such as kettle lakes, for example, could continue to exist. Spatial analysis of settlements shows a strong shrinking of the settlement clusters to remaining areas in which agricultural activity was still possible. Thus, there is a great disparity of a juxtaposition of extremely unequal small scale economic potential, which led to … Read moreNeues zur „Odergermanischen Gruppe“: Das innere Barbaricum an der unteren Oder im 5.–6. Jh. AD

Herrschaftswechsel als Zäsur? Thüringen im Frankenreich – eine andere Geschichte

Bemmann, Jan. "Herrschaftswechsel als Zäsur? Thüringen im Frankenreich – eine andere Geschichte". Die Dukate des Merowingerreiches: Archäologie und Geschichte in vergleichender Perspektive, edited by Sebastian Brather, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023, pp. 421-458. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111128818-014

DOI https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111128818-014 Abstract Der Band analysiert in enger interdisziplinärer Debatte von Archäologen und Historikern die Dukate des Merowingerreiches einschließlich ihrer möglichen spätantiken Vorläufer. Ziel ist ein systematischer Vergleich von duces und Dukaten innerhalb des Frankenreiches des 6. bis 8. Jahrhunderts sowie weiterer ausgewählter Beispiele. Dabei wird jeweils nach Zeitpunkt, Voraussetzungen und Umständen ihrer Entstehung sowie nach der politischen Struktur und ihrer Entwicklung während der jüngeren Merowingerzeit gefragt. Besonderes Interesse beanspruchen einerseits Aufgaben der duces in Militär und Administration, Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung sowie andererseits Folgewirkungen in den Bereichen Kultur und Religion. Mit dem althistorischen bzw. mediävistischen Ausgangspunkt eröffnen sich vielfältige archäologische Perspektiven. Denn die zu rekonstruierenden politik- und verwaltungsgeschichtlichen Kontexte bieten Ansatzpunkte für neue Interpretationen jenseits des ‚ethnischen Paradigmas‘ bei der Interpretation archäologischer Befunde, und sie wirken mit ihren Raumanalysen zurück auf das geschichtswissenschaftliche Verständnis von duces und Dukaten. Im Folgenden gehe ich möglichen oder postulierten kulturellen Veränderungen in Mitteldeutschland nach, die mit der Eingliederung Thüringens in … Read moreHerrschaftswechsel als Zäsur? Thüringen im Frankenreich – eine andere Geschichte

Additional Notes on the Geography of Germania Magna

Sven Mildner - Neuinterpretation der Germania Magna des Claudius Ptolemy - EVROPA TABVLA QVARTA – Quarta Europe Tabula continet Germaniam cum insulis sibi adiacentibus. Die Karte zu ''Magna Germania'' aus der im Original griechisch verfaßten ''Geographike Hyphegesis'' des in Alexandria wirkenden Claudius Ptolemaios

a. Note on the term “Vistula Fluvius”: It is possible that the Greek term Οὐστούλα (Oustoúla) was originally adopted from Latin (i.e., by the Romans), with even older roots potentially found in the Celtic language or possibly that of the Jastorf Culture.In Latin, the word ustula is the imperative of ustulō and means “to burn something,” “to scorch something,” or also “to consume something with fire” – here to be understood as an order to someone or something to char or smolder something. There is probably also a closer connection to metalworking (especially charcoal burning), which is particularly indicated by the English cognate “ustulate” – as an adjective meaning “blackened” or “burnt” (Blackened as if burned) and as a verb directly referring to the “burning or roasting of ores” (actually two different processes). The naming of the river likely referred originally to the smoldering of wood, or directly to the … Read moreAdditional Notes on the Geography of Germania Magna

Vulkanismus in Mitteldeutschland. Band 4: Explosiver Vulkanismus im Bereich der Halle-Störung. Die Campusbohrung 3 in Heide Süd

Grieswald, D. H. (2020): Vulkanismus in Mitteldeutschland. Band 2: Explosiver Vulkanismus im Bereich der Halle-Störung zwischen Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Die Tiefbohrung Lochau 7/65.

Description This book series is a collection of application-oriented works from the years 2002–2020, focusing on volcanism in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. The works encompass engineering geological, geotechnical, and scientific aspects, highlighting various exposures and drillings at different locations. These are self-contained projects that, due to the overarching theme of volcanism, are nonetheless interconnected. Volume 1 begins with Permo-Carboniferous phreatomagmatic volcanism and molasse deposits in Halle (Saale) and concludes with Upper Cretaceous carbonatite volcanism near Roitzsch. Particular attention is drawn to Volume 10, which contains extensive volcanotectonic information on Central Germany as well as related regions in Europe and Africa, incorporating supplementary information from Volumes 1–9. Furthermore, the formation of the Halle Caldera and the ultramafic lamprophyre-carbonatite complex near Delitzsch-Brehna is discussed. The following collage was created in 2020 as part of the project aimed at understanding the volcanic rocks of Central Germany: Volcanism in Central Germany Volume 1: Depositional facies … Read moreVulkanismus in Mitteldeutschland. Band 4: Explosiver Vulkanismus im Bereich der Halle-Störung. Die Campusbohrung 3 in Heide Süd

Vulkanismus in Mitteldeutschland. Band 2: Explosiver Vulkanismus im Bereich der Halle-Störung zwischen Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Die Tiefbohrung Lochau 7/65.

Grieswald, D. H. (2020): Vulkanismus in Mitteldeutschland. Band 2: Explosiver Vulkanismus im Bereich der Halle-Störung zwischen Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Die Tiefbohrung Lochau 7/65.

Description This book series is a collection of application-oriented works from the years 2002–2020, focusing on volcanism in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. The works encompass engineering geological, geotechnical, and scientific aspects, highlighting various exposures and drillings at different locations. These are self-contained projects that, due to the overarching theme of volcanism, are nonetheless interconnected. Volume 1 begins with Permo-Carboniferous phreatomagmatic volcanism and molasse deposits in Halle (Saale) and concludes with Upper Cretaceous carbonatite volcanism near Roitzsch. Particular attention is drawn to Volume 10, which contains extensive volcanotectonic information on Central Germany as well as related regions in Europe and Africa, incorporating supplementary information from Volumes 1–9. Furthermore, the formation of the Halle Caldera and the ultramafic lamprophyre-carbonatite complex near Delitzsch-Brehna is discussed. The following collage was created in 2020 as part of the project aimed at understanding the volcanic rocks of Central Germany: Volcanism in Central Germany Volume 1: Depositional facies … Read moreVulkanismus in Mitteldeutschland. Band 2: Explosiver Vulkanismus im Bereich der Halle-Störung zwischen Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Die Tiefbohrung Lochau 7/65.

A new tectonic model for the Laurentia-Avalonia-Baltica sutures in the North Sea: A case study along MONA LISA profile 3

Lyngsie, S.B. & Thybo, H.. (2007). A new tectonic model for the Laurentia−Avalonia−Baltica sutures in the North Sea: A case study along MONA LISA profile 3. Tectonophysics. 429. 201-227. 10.1016/j.tecto.2006.09.017.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2006.09.017 Abstract We present a new model for the lithospheric structure of the transitions between Laurentia, Avalonia and Baltica in the North Sea, northwestern Europe based on 2¾D potential field modelling of MONA LISA profile 3 across the Central Graben, with constraints from seismic P-wave velocity models and the crustal normal incidence reflection section along the profile. The model shows evidence for the presence of upper-and lower Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks as well as differences in crustal structure between the palaeo-continents Laurentia, Avalonia and Baltica. Our new model, together with previous results from transformations of the gravity and magnetic fields, demonstrates correlation between crustal magnetic domains along the profile and the terrane affinity of the crust. This integrated interpretation indicates that a 150 km wide zone, characterized by low-grade metamorphosis and oblique thrusting of Avalonia crust over Baltica lower crust, is characteristic for the central North Sea area. The magnetic … Read moreA new tectonic model for the Laurentia-Avalonia-Baltica sutures in the North Sea: A case study along MONA LISA profile 3

What caused terrestrial dust loading and climate downturns between A.D. 533 and 540?

What Caused Terrestrial Dust Loading and Climate Downturns Between 533 and 540 A.D.? Scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs of particles from the ice core. (A, C, E, J) Sn-rich particles with one Fe-rich spherule in E. (B, D, F, G, H) Qualitative energy-dispersive X-ray microanalyses of compositions. (Note that the peak heights are not absolute so no scale is given for peak heights. This means that the relative heights of nearby spectral peaks provide a good estimate of relative abundances of these elements. In contrast, the relative heights of peaks with different energies are only loosely correlated to their relative abundance.) Four out of fi ve analyses are of Sn-rich particles. Analysis D shows a small but distinct Cu peak in addition to Sn peaks. The remaining analysis is of a Fe-rich spherule (F). (I) Ni-rich particle-analysis in Table 3. Ratios of backscattered and secondary electrons were adjusted to maximum the image quality: (A) 100% BSE (backscattered electron mode); (C, I) 50% BSE, 50% ILSE (in-lens secondary electron mode); (E) 90% BSE, 10% ILSE, (J) 50% BSE, 50% SE2 (standard secondary electron mode). Black arrows or lines point from particles to their spectra.

DOI https://doi.org/10.1130/2014.2505(23) Abstract Sn-rich particles, Ni-rich particles, and cosmic spherules are found together at four discrete stratigraphic levels within the 362–360 m depth interval of the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core (72.6°N, 38.5°W, elevation: 3203 m). Using a previously derived calendar-year time scale, these particles span a time of increased dust loading of Earth’s atmosphere between A.D. 533 and 540. The Sn-rich and Ni-rich particles contain an average of 10–11 wt% C. Their high C contents coupled with local enrichments in the volatile elements I, Zn, Cu, and Xe suggest a cometary source for the dust. The late spring timing of extraterrestrial input best matches the Eta Aquarid meteor shower associated with comet 1P/Halley. An increased flux of cometary dust might explain a modest climate downturn in A.D. 533. Both cometary dust and volcanic sulfate probably contributed to the profound global dimming during A.D. 536 and 537 … Read moreWhat caused terrestrial dust loading and climate downturns between A.D. 533 and 540?

Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia

Summary of long-term trends in individual site-level proxy records.

DOI https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo1797 Abstract Past global climate changes had strong regional expression. To elucidate their spatio-temporal pattern, we reconstructed past temperatures for seven continental-scale regions during the past one to two millennia. The most coherent feature in nearly all of the regional temperature reconstructions is a long-term cooling trend, which ended late in the nineteenth century. At multi-decadal to centennial scales, temperature variability shows distinctly different regional patterns, with more similarity within each hemisphere than between them. There were no globally synchronous multi-decadal warm or cold intervals that define a worldwide Medieval Warm Period or Little Ice Age, but all reconstructions show generally cold conditions between AD 1580 and 1880, punctuated in some regions by warm decades during the eighteenth century. The transition to these colder conditions occurred earlier in the Arctic, Europe and Asia than in North America or the Southern Hemisphere regions. Recent warming reversed the long-term cooling; during the period AD 1971–2000, … Read moreContinental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia

Seismic velocity structure of crustal intrusions in the Danish Basin

Simpli fi ed map of the main tectonic features in the Danish Basin and surrounding areas. Abbreviations: CDF = Caledonian Deformation Front; STZ = Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone; TF = Tornquist Fan (light grey); MNRFH = Mid North Sea-Ringkøbing-Fyn High; TESZ = Trans-European Suture Zone; DB = Danish Basin; CG = Central Graben; HG = Horn Graben; BG = Brande Graben; OG = Oslo Graben; SG = Skagerrak Graben. Inset shows location of study area in Europe. After Berthelsen (1992), MONA LISA Working Group (1997b) and Ziegler (1990).

DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.11.019 We image the east- and westward extent of a crustal high-velocity body, the thickness of a layered sequence around the Moho at the flank of the body, and the uppermost mantle velocity along the 320 km long refraction and wide-angle reflection seismic profile ESTRID 2007 in the Danish Basin. Ray-tracing modelling of the seismic data reveals a high-velocity body (6.7-7.7 km/s between 10 and 30 km depth) with a lateral extent of at least 110 km. It is interpreted as an intrusive body of gabbroic composition. Moho depth is variable between 30 and 35 km along the profile. The crust is thin in a similar to 180 km wide zone approximately below the western part of the intrusive body and further westward in the basin area. The Pn velocity in the uppermost mantle is relatively low (similar to 7.8 km/s) beneath the thin crust whereas higher Pn velocities … Read moreSeismic velocity structure of crustal intrusions in the Danish Basin