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Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Sammlung von Links zu wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen, die für dieses Projekt relevant sind oder die dazu beitragen können, ein tieferes exemplarisches Verständnis über die Prozesse und Umstände zu erlangen, welche möglicherweise in einem Zusammenhang mit der hier vorgestellten Neuinterpretation der Germania Magna stehen. Dabei handelt es sich um Veröffentlichungen unterschiedlicher Forschungsbereiche.

Die Sammlung umfasst:

  • Primärliteratur: Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, die die Ergebnisse neuer Forschung präsentieren.
  • Sekundärliteratur: Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, die die Primärliteratur zusammenfassen, analysieren oder interpretieren.
  • Vergleichende Literatur: Veröffentlichungen, die Ihnen exemplarisch ähnliche Prozesse und Umstände in anderen Kontexten aufzeigen.
  • Weitere Ressourcen: Links zu Websites, Datenbanken und anderen Ressourcen, die für die Neuinterpretation relevant sein können.

Die folgenden Publikationen sollen dabei helfen, bestimmte Fragestellungen exemplarisch zu beantworten, welche in einem möglichen Zusammenhang mit den notwendigen Prozessen und Vorgängen stehen, die für eine umfangreiche Landschaftstransformation erforderlich sind. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise Überlegungen über tektonische Bruchereignisse und Rift-Systeme, mit entsprechender Auswirkung auf maritime Rutschungsereignisse und die Entstehung neuer Sedimentationsbecken.

Dynamics of Mid-Palaeocene North Atlantic rifting linked with European intra-plate deformations

Nielsen, S., Stephenson, R. & Thomsen, E. Dynamics of Mid-Palaeocene North Atlantic rifting linked with European intra-plate deformations. Nature 450, 1071–1074 (2007).

DOI https://doi.org/10.1038/nature06379 Abstract The process of continental break-up provides a large-scale experiment that can be used to test causal relations between plate tectonics and the dynamics of the Earth’s deep mantle1,2. Detailed diagnostic information on the timing and dynamics of such events, which are not resolved by plate kinematic reconstructions, can be obtained from the response of the interior of adjacent continental plates to stress changes generated by plate boundary processes. Here we demonstrate a causal relationship between North Atlantic continental rifting at ∼62 Myr ago and an abrupt change of the intra-plate deformation style in the adjacent European continent. The rifting involved a left-lateral displacement between the North American-Greenland plate and Eurasia, which initiated the observed pause in the relative convergence of Europe and Africa3. The associated stress change in the European continent was significant and explains the sudden termination of a ∼20-Myr-long contractional intra-plate deformation within Europe4, during the late Cretaceous … WeiterlesenDynamics of Mid-Palaeocene North Atlantic rifting linked with European intra-plate deformations

Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from Near-, Intermediate-, and Far-Field Locations

Khan, Nicole & Ashe, Erica & Shaw, Timothy & Vacchi, Matteo & Walker, Jennifer & Peltier, W. & Kopp, Robert & Horton, Benjamin. (2015). Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from Near-, Intermediate-, and Far-Field Locations. Current Climate Change Reports. 1. 10.1007/s40641-015-0029-z.

DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40641-015-0029-z Abstract Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) records exhibit spatial and temporal variability that arises mainly from the interaction of eustatic (land ice volume and thermal expansion) and isostatic (glacio- and hydro-) factors. We fit RSL histories from near-, intermediate-, and far-field locations with noisy-input Gaussian process models to assess rates of RSL change. Records from near-field regions (e.g., Antarctica, Greenland, Canada, Sweden, and Scotland) reveal a complex pattern of RSL fall from a maximum marine limit due to the net effect of eustatic sea-level rise and glacio-isostatic uplift with rates of RSL fall as great as −69 ± 9 m/ka. Intermediate-field regions (e.g., mid-Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the USA, Netherlands, Southern France, St. Croix) display variable rates of RSL rise from the cumulative effect of eustatic and isostatic factors. Fast rates of RSL rise (up to 10 ± 1 m/ka) are found in the early Holocene in regions … WeiterlesenHolocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from Near-, Intermediate-, and Far-Field Locations

The Thor suture zone: From subduction to intraplate basin setting

Smit, Jeroen & Van Wees, J. & Cloetingh, Sierd. (2016). The Thor suture zone: From subduction to intraplate basin setting. Geology. 44. G37958.1. 10.1130/G37958.1.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/G37958.1 Abstract The crustal seismic velocity structure of northwestern Europe shows a low P-wave velocity zone (LVZ) in the lower crust along the Caledonian Thor suture zone (TSZ) that cannot be easily attributed to Avalonia or Baltica plates abutting the TSZ. The LVZ appears to correspond to a hitherto unrecognized crustal segment (accretionary complex) that separates Avalonia from Baltica, explaining well the absence of Avalonia further east. Consequently, the northern boundary of Avalonia is shifted ∼150 km southward. Our interpretation, based on analysis of deep seismic profiles, places the LVZ in a consistent crustal domain interpretation. A comparison with present-day examples of the Kuril and Cascadia subduction zones suggests that the LVZ separating Avalonia from Baltica is composed of remnants of the Caledonian accretionary complex. If so, the present-day geometry probably originates from pre-Variscan extension and eduction during Devonian–Carboniferous backarc extension. The reinterpretation of deep crustal zonation provides a … WeiterlesenThe Thor suture zone: From subduction to intraplate basin setting